
Writing A Monologue.... Why Try?! by *nickels*

So, my writing/editing session had to be rescheduled and THAT bummed me out. BUT since I know that continually creating work is imperative to my career success and overall trajectory, I am moving on to another new project in the mean time.

If you didn't know, actors, always have to audition. That's the real job, auditioning. If you can imagine constantly having to go on a job interview, sometimes 2 or 3 times in a day...actually don't. That's the annoying bit, especially for me because I just want to act, not clamor to get the chance to do it. But, one of the things that I have learned in my many years of auditioning is that one of the best ways to set myself up for success in an audition is to pick good material that resonates with me. It may speak to my personal experience or it may just scare/excite me in some way. Since I know me best....  why don't I just write with my own monologues? Why don't I! As my friend Mark Brown II told me

"Make the art that you want to make. Be critical later. Some ideas are great on paper and suck in life and some ideas aren't the best on paper but ROCK in real life."

So, my next project will come from that. My inspiration? Music that I love. To be honest, this idea started when I saw a quote from the infamous 1999 summer jam by Sisqo entitled "The Thong Song." You laugh now, but can you imagine a monologue that seriously dealt with the concept of the thong? Or a monologue where the protagonist IS a thong? HAHAHA. I'm cracking myself up just thinking about it.

It may be a tremendous failure, or... it could be my biggest piece of genius. So, let me know what your favorite songs are, and I might make a monologue based on your inspiration. I'm looking to make at least 1 good one but I'll write 10. And in case, if you've forgotten:

A Problem With Kickstarter by *nickels*

As an up-and-coming media mogul, which I can say because this is my blog and I can say what I want,  utilizing Kickstarter, and sites like it, to help fund projects and ventures I have in mind is something I'm definitely thinking about doing. I've seen it help fund projects for friends and I think it's great. You can tap into a supporter fan-base to help you fund and remain in creative control of your idea. It supports that old-age adage "I have the toys, so I decide when we play" or as the famous song goes "It's my partyI can cry if I want to."

Most recently the most successful Kickstarter was that of producer Rob Thomas to fund a Veronica Mars movie to follow-up the now defunct show. The success of this project was greeted with a surge of attention to Kickstarter by more than just "the little people" and has been embraced by celebrities. I, don't necessarily have a problem with that. It's hard to get a movie made and maintain control if you don't have the fundage (yeah, I made that word up... I think). But not everyone is okay with that.

"Jon Lajoie, one of the stars of FX’s comedy The League was even inspired to start a faux-Kickstarter campaign earlier this week, featuring a searing video that satires Thomas, Braff and the other celebrities that have begun to turn to their audiences for direct financial backing." -Buzzfeed 
Read the rest of the article here.

Check it out below. I think it's hilarious and won't lie... feels like a little bit of truth. #preach