Kerry Washington

My Brother's Teacher Made Me Do His Homework by *nickels*

March 4, 2015

Dear Teacher

Let the record show that you must read the entirety of this opus in order to arrive at a brief summary of what I believe life was like in our family before JJ was born. Excuse me, I mean John-Joshua. Wait, I mean John….whatever.

JJ is number 6. In our family he is number 6. Or number 7 depending on whom you count. That’s how I talk about my siblings with other people because I have multiples of each gender. I also refer to him as JJ. I believe he goes by John at school, and I don’t blame him. It’s easier than having to explain to people why your parents named you John-Joshua… as in you have two first names. Not one of the guys who has two first names as full names, but the guy who has two actual first-name first-names.

Let the record also show that I will not divulge THAT family secret of how he got two first name first-names. Every family deserves their secrets. If you ask, I will send Olivia Pope your way while I go sit in the sun with my Izuegbu Gladiators.

But I digress.

Anyway, when JJ informed me via text message that he needs my help with a paper. One of his teacher’s had asked him to get a family member to do write about life before him I astutely retorted, “JJ, I’ll help you edit and brainstorm but I will not write your homework for you. I want you to understand hard work.”

He elaborated that said teacher actually wanted a perspective of life from before he was born to which I quipped, “Yeah… well I’m the oldest so I have the worst memory out of the 6 of us. You should ask one of the other ones” and we leave it at that. (I’m #1 or #2 depending on how you count. Or #3 if you count my dad, but he’s no longer with us so…yeah things get awkward when you try to tell people that.)

He calls me the next day about this assignment as I’m walking into my abode after a long day that had followed a night of insomnia, about the assignment. Below is an edited version of our conversation in question. If you want any proof that I’m an older sibling, I began with

#1: If this is your homework, just tell me. You don’t have to lie.

(Paraphrased & Edited)

#1:       Do your homework. Teachers don’t grade students on things that family’s write. That makes no sense. How much time did she give you to complete this? Is this for extra credit?

#2        I’m serious. (He sends me images of the assignment in question because it’s 2015 and I         need proof.)

#1:       Oh. She’s for real! (grumbling, annoyed, wanting to change and dry my now wet hair…it was raining.)

#2        Please (or some other variation of help me, I want to do well in the class. I need to do well on this assignment)

#1:       This makes no sense

#2        PLEASE!!! (…or some variation of that)

#1:       Don’t you have 4 other siblings? Get one of them to do it

#2        #5 (Jr in college) – has an exam and needs to study for it
#4 (Snr in college) – doesn’t respond to texts or any sort of communication
#2 (married nurse) – I’m….. snorezzzzz zzzzz zzzz
#3 (nurse who lives with #6) – I DON’T HAVE TIME FOR THIS! I HAVE A LIFE!)

Please. You’re my last hope.

#1        Fine! BUT I reserve the write to say whatever I want however I want. (Dear teacher. I edited. I respect educators.  My mom’s a teacher, I often teach/coach/mentor and #5 wants to enter education. But I was still not enthused about it.

And so I spent the next 30 minutes thinking about how to summarize life before JJ was born.

I considered I haiku from the perspective of one of the siblings…

There’s another one.
Another boy. Finally.
Who wants to go play?

I considered copying and pasting our text msg exchange…

That would make this too long…because you know this description is already short

I considered sending baby pictures of what we all looked like pre- and post- “The Coming of the Second Son”….

But I don’t live in Houston at the moment so that was a nay.

But here goes.

I’m writing from the perspective of one of his many siblings. We were all born very close in age to parents who wanted a family. Born so close in age, in fact, that I myself have no memories of being the only child. So essentially, life has always involved our family growing. It doesn’t feel as if life before was much different. I’m sure it was and that my mother could give greater detail. I’m also sure we were all excited, for the most part, about a new sibling/playmate.  But I can’t quite say which “baby” memory is attached to which sibling. Which one took the long to potty-train.? Which one stopped breast-feeding earliest? Which one’s head got rammed into a wall by accident? Doesn’t really matter. We were just a bunch of babies roaming around a house becoming friends and enemies and friends again. We were just the Izuegbus. And after his birth, we were bigger and more full of life.


PS. Please forgive me and do not judge JJ or my family for anything written in this opus/essay/whatchamacallit/standupcomedybit. I think I’m the weird one.

PSS (or PPS). Feel free to give him extra credit. I think he needs it. I’m the smart one (IM KIDDING….)

I am a real person. Feel free to verify essay at

Scandal Review 4.1: OMG WHAT IS JAKE DOING by *nickels*

I promised I'd make a video but.... I have a lot of other things I'm doing in life so this is hard. I have made a concerted effort to separate the actors from the characters as we all should! This ish is real.

  • I want what she's having
  • What is Jake doing to her in that chair
  • Screw you Olivia. You are part of the 1%. Your dad sent you to LIVE on an island forever that's not on google maps. EVERYTHING IS ON GOOGLE MAPS!
  • There is no such thing as coming back from vacation peacefully
  • Scandal gives me too many feelings.
  • I WILL work with Shonda one day.
  • They have been sexy-fying Abby since season 2. That's some pageant hair!
  • Huck... I will always want to take care of you
  • Mellie is giving the realness
  • Mellie... they told you it was apple juice and you were like.. NEXT
  • "These panties came straight from the dryer." -- people... basic television is officially changed. OMG
  • Omg... why is this streaming on my internet chopping it up. Switching to HuluPlus on Tv
  • Fitz... sometimes I feel like I'm Olivia and we are together. Stop making us crazy. But... they're playing our music!
  • If one more idiot says something stupid/racist about Shonda.... I just can't. She single-handedly transformed ABC. #SITDOWN
  • I really want my friend Carl Clemons-Hopkins to be featured on this show. 
  • I will be purchasing a Scandal coat from the Limited
  • Mellie broke my heart when she visited her son's grave
  • The world of Scandal is messed up. Oy Vey.
  • When's the last time that someone saw Olivia eat on this show? Or is wine a food group now?
  • Julia? as if! Let's be real... the only name a boss bitch like Olivia can have is #Nickclette #Marilyn
  • I'm having too many feelings Scandal. You are like the first relationship.
  • I just learned People magazine tweeted something racist about Viola. @whitepeople stop it. 
  • I know, by heart, the music that they play when Fitz and Olivia are referenced together.
  • Abby damn near cussed her man out. #checkabitch "You ended us
  • But abby... B613 IS SCARY
  • #arewegladiatorsorarewebitches
  • Omg.... who in the writing room first thought of that? We need to be friends.
  • The debate about sexual assault, this show isn't playing around. Good tv! Good commentary.
  • "It's 1976 down there". WHAT!!!!! omg
  • I repeat. Omg.... who in the writing room first thought of that? We need to be friends.
  • Shonda, we need to work together. Lets be honest.
  • I just remembered that Jake did something to kerry in that chair.
  • Omg... Jake said she couldn't talk. #myturn #hardtogetitupaftersexualassaultconvos
  • Scandal... I'm... I can't quit you. Why!?
  • Omg I just remembered Jake ..... Why did Felicity dump you?
  • Scott Foley has 3 kids? Wtf!
  • Olivia's dad.... Olivia's mom.... the fact that Olivia hasn't killed anyone (as far as we know) is a godsend
  • Planning your friend's funeral sucks... omg feelings.
  • Scandal can never end
  • Scandal has to end... I can't watch tv like this when i'm 109 (I will live forever. Amen)
Too good. Too bad. Soo many feelings