Learning from Other Actors / by *nickels*

Monday's batch of actor presentations were great. It made me both proud of who I chose, Whoopi Goldberg, and a wee bit jealous as well that other people didn't come to mind. What stuck out for all the presentations though were gems of advice that would be helpful to any actor/artist attempting to make it

  • Just DO it. Don't ask questions, just do it.
  • Just ASK
  • FIND your people and you will work
  • Be passionate, driven, and specific about your work
  • No two paths are alike. 
  • Untalented people MAKE IT
  • Talented people MAKE IT
  • Work/Create FOR YOURSELF
  • GRAD SCHOOL experience is NOT INDICATIVE of your FUTURE
  • GO to open-calls.
It's really hard to keep going especially when you look at the odds. But I think you just have to do it. And you will do it because, as short as life can be, it can be really long. And I think once you recognize what you enjoy doing, just attempt to keeping doing and finding ways to finance it. Sometimes they are one in the same and that's the real goal.

I am very much interested in crafting and working on my own material. I have already partnered with a produce and have ideas of who to cast for the project. I'm excited about making my own stuff. At times I think, does this make me a school rat? Why do I keep learning. But, honestly, the trajectory makes sense. I've wanted to make films since I was a teenager but was dissuaded for a number of reasons. But it is also nerve-wrecking. Who is going to watch my stuff? What makes my stuff worth it? There are so many projects out there!


people do make. Each year tons of new faces are spotted, tons of old faces hit the jackpot, and tons of old faces retire. Why can't I be one? And I will be one. I must work my hardest to stay positive, energized, and balanced by having a life outside of acting too.