Own Your Life / by *nickels*

I have always gone for things that most people around me laugh at. On more than one occasion someone has commented "Nickclette, you're crazy" or "You are so bizzare" or "You are so unexpected." I take them all as compliments of course. I'd rather inspire someone because I was different, in a good way, than because I'm run of the mill.

And yet, it strikes me that so much about becoming an actor often means morphing into the ideal. Only with time and persistence do people come around to embrace the difference. When they are made to see why someone is special because they were unique and unlike anything else. I gravitate towards those types of people and hope that I am that type of person.

As such, it's no surprise to me that I was most drawn in by Deja's presentation. What a blessing it has been to have her in the class. I loved everything about what she had to say about director John Cassavetes.

  • Tell the truth.
  • Be indulgent with YOUR art
  • Just do it. Do whatever it takes
  • No excuses
It's really hard but at the same time it's that easy. Something that has been resonating in me for a while has been the reality that all I have to do for the rest of my life is do the things I enjoy and make sure I have enough money to do them. That's it. Granted, the things I want to do include making beautiful stories and helping people. But still, knowing that... it's oddly freeing in a way. There are so many things I want to do so why not spend the rest of my life doing that. I want to learn how to make my own films. I want to write and be published again. I want to inspire and motivate. I want to move audiences. I want to tell stories that are of substance. I want to be someone of substance. I am someone of substance. 

I need to make sure to be around the right people, and right environment to make it happen. People will always have something to say about what you do, but my path is my own. I must own my life.