Actress/Actor Career Profile / by *nickels*

I am formatting my list of potential people to chronicle. It's interesting to look at careers and discover what themes see to emerge in terms of what I'm attracted to. I don't necessarily look like any of them, which probably says a lot about what I think of my own beauty. They are all unique!

Sometimes I think it's I'm drawn to longevity, sometimes I'm attracted to originals/originators/ingenuity, sometimes I'm pulled in by immense talent that I hope to have one day. But what's in common for the people on my list is that they are true individuals, extremely talented, did not find a career the 'standard/typical' way, are largely female, and are in charge (to a high degree) of their careers at this/one point in their life.

  • Whoopi Goldberg
  • S. Epatha Merkerson
  • Debbie Allen
  • Phylicia Rashad
  • Megan Mullaly
  • Edie Falco
  • Mindy Kalling
  • Tiny Fey
  • Amy Poeler
  • Anna Deveare Smith
  • Roseanne Barr
  • Oprah Winfrey
  • Tyler Perry
Is this list at all surprising? 

Geez.. how am I supposed to pick someone.