It Took Ang Lee Six (6) Years... / by *nickels*

I was reading an article about Ang Lee's success. Director for such films as 'Life of Pi' and "Sense and Sensibility", it took him 6 years between when he graduated from NYU film school until the release of his first film, not even released in the United States, until he made it. He was 30, had two young children, a wife, and very little in the way of success. Oh, and did I mention that was classmates with another very famous director, Spike Lee. Here's a quote from the article...

"Much is made of genius and talent, but the foundation of any life where you get to realize your ambitions is simply being able to out-last everyone through the tough, crappy times — whether through sheer determination, a strong support network, or simply a lack of options."

That's what it comes down to really. How long can you make it. I especially liked the part in the article when Lee considered going back to school to learn computer programming so he coud help his wife, who was solely supporting the family, and she chastised him and told him to stay focused. Class act. Stay focused on your vision.

Link to article can be found here.