Wisdom from My Elders / by *nickels*

People say over and over again, if you can do something else, do it. And people talk often of how rare it is for someone to make it. There's only one Oprah, one Ellen, one Angela Bassett and so forth and so on. There is only one. But, I can be that one. 

Right now, I am in my family's home before I fly out to do a bunch of auditions/callbacks for opportunities in the coming year. Sitting here, I relish in the truth that it can feel so safe here, even if it's not perfect. Even if I'm annoyed with a brother, aggravated by a mother, agitated by a sibling, it's still safe. I can close the door in the room I share with one of my sister's and let the world fly away. I can crawl atop the roof and watch the sun rise, or set. I can walk outside barefoot and feel the ground under my feet. I can get in my car and drive around not thinking about how much gas I'm using. 

But it's too safe. It's suffocating if I were to be here for too long. And yet, as dangerous as that is, the world and the dreams I have are just as volatile. And so often, I pray and meditate and think about the path that I have chosen... am choosing in the pursuit of strength. Because, for all intents and purposes, I am at the end of my classroom education really. How do I go forward. I've decided to do what I always do which is to focus on a hire calling, to pray, and to look to the advice of those trailblazers who have come before me, who have conquered bigger battles than I likely will. 

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, "If you can't fly, run; if you can't run, walk; if you can't walk, crawl; but by all means keep moving."

And with that I know that I have to make a very, very big step in the next few months and certainly before the year is out. :D 

cue scream