Write Your Own Way / by *nickels*

In this clip, a young Kanye West, of pre-"College Dropout" fame, discusses his path to music. What I find so fascinating and truthful are two important things that are necessary for young artists to get.

  1. He couldn't afford the best tools at first so he made do with what he COULD afford and used that as his starting mark 
  2. He MADE his own beats and beats for other people, ensuring a way to finance his life in the meantime and allow himself a way to dedicate his free time to what he wanted to do, make music.

The old adage is tree, give a man a fish, and he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he'll live for a lifetime. As such, I've decided to do two really big things/starting projects. I read in an article during my trip about an artists who received the best advice from her father. And that advice was
  • "Write fives (5) pages everday, whether it takes five (5) minutes or the entire day."
I think this is pretty good advice. Can't call yourself a writer if you aren't writing. And can't call yourself a filmmaker if you aren't filming. Can't call yourself an actress if you aren't acting. So, I've decided to write everyday, and put up a monologue from something once a week, one from my own writing, and another from some source I find online. They will feature things from as far as Yelp reviews, to inspirational pieces. And hopefully I'll learn a little bit about writing for the camera, acting on camera, and editing. (it probably wouldn't be a bad idea to get some would-be directors to assist me as well).