tennis player

Serena Williams is Pregnant & Black Girl Magic Continues To Be A Thing by *nickels*

Serena Williams is with-child and #blackgirlmagic continues to be a thing. Yes, ring the alarm. BLACK GIRL MAGIC IS A MUTHAF*CKIN THING. And not in the magical negro way. Or in the way that black women have always been superheroes without a capes a la "yes massa, I shall rear your children, bear your weight (forcibly), cook your meals, hide my crown and glory, and brace the whips and scorns of th'opressor's wrong. No, in the way that she was pursuing her purpose while creating life kinda way. 

Yeah, she did the damn thing. She won the Australian Open when she was 8 weeks pregnant against her #blackgirlmagic sister Venus Williams while being 35 which many medical field would rudely consider a "geriatric pregnancy."

Yeah she did the damn thing.

So now we're at a quandary of sorts. On the one hand, I'm not okay with people thinking all of us are superhuman beings who can bear the weight of the world while slaying dragons that are imagined and real. On the other hand, I'm reassessing my goals and thinking that 

A. There is nothing that I can't accomplish and B. What am I doing with my life? 

I've got to get to work.

Yeah, she did the damn thing.

This, in my opinion is a glorious thing and I am oh so happy for her. And she's got a supportive (by all public accounts) partner in Rreddit co-founder) and they do cute things together like getting pedicures where fishies eat their feet, or going bowling, or walking on the page. Sigh. Le sigh. Le all the sighs. The romantic in me that watches J-LO movies and doesn't completely despise the move "Pretty Woman" is having all the feels and here for all the things. Not to mention, this means that Beyonce's twins and Serena's future nugget get to play and make future music videos about being the baddest!

Serena Williams - Living Her Best Life

Serena Williams - Still Living Her Best Life
Serena Williams - Always Living Her Best Life