
How To Win Friends Doing Petty Things by *nickels*

I have a friend. She's smart, learn-ed, with a Masters degrees to boot. She's also funny, generous, and extremely open-minded. She's the kinda friend that you confess your sins too because she's not gonna give you the side-eye right away. By all intents and purposes, she is a paragon of empathy and intellect. God bless her because this kind of homie is hard to come by

And yet, we still argue about petty sh*t. 

Define petty"of little importance; trivial."

What were we arguing about, you ask? Picture it, USA, 20-something-something---
(Lights up on a cafe. Two friends are hanging out having a grand ole time.)

Irregardless of the situation, she really shouldn't have done that. Don't you agree?

 ...Irregardless is not a word.

Yes it is.

No it's not.

Yes, it is.

No, it's not.

... Yes it is!

Just because you yell it doesn't make it true.

Just because you went to Harvard---

While I didn't actually walk away in all my Viola Davis-esque glory, this exchange regarding "irregardless" went on until I, being the non-petty one, dropped it. That's right, we argued about bullsh*t that does not matter. Was I still mildy ticked that she didn't take my advice? Yes. Doesn't she know I'm trying to save her from herself? Doesn't she know how smart I am? Doesn't she see my degrees dagnabit? Why won't she stop being basic? Imma take the high road and drop it. .... Irregardless is still not a word. (Yes, I know what's she's trying to say, I'm not a stickler for language to the point where I don't acknowledge simple context. I'm also not here for supporting the patriarchy and the forced use of one way of the English language. I really didn't think the argument was going to go this far. But the bear was poked... what can you do? We had to wait for the food to come out in order for the white flags (read: table napkins) before a truce could be formed.)

A fight like this shouldn't end a friendship. Luckily, ours didn't. But, there are friendships that have been lost over seemingly simple things... inconsequential things... petty things or, the little things. 

Why should the little things matter? Little things, or a lack of respect for the little things denotes a lack of respect for the person who cares about those little things. As in, you don't care enough to do something little... simple... petty. As in, I sacrificed a whole lot of shit for you, and you didn't respect me enough... to do something simple that would have meant the world to me. Yes... friendships (and other great loves) have been lost over petty shit. No matter how shaky or solid the foundation.

So, make sure you care about the little things. It's the bare minimum you could do. The basic. The petty

But for when you *want* to practice your petty game read below. (Yes this is petty. So. What).

                               Petty Practice

  • Whether irregardless is a word. (It's not).
  • What other people chose to spend *their* money on.
  • If tomatoes, avocados, or cucumbers are fruits.
  • Can you clean this up? Why haven't you cleaned this up?
  • What did you do all day... instead of cleaning up?
  • What do you want to eat for dinner?
  • What do you want to watch/go see?
  • Other people's mom's cooking.