
Thanks Facebook: One Hilarious (non/maybe) Coping Mechanism by *nickels*

If April showers bring May flowers, then June brings.... heat.

So it's June. And I live in America. So I'm hurting. Many are heated. A lot. I have had numerous discussions about it and will continue to do so because talking brings awareness and hiding does not. Yet still, it's difficult for me to write an opus about it all. There's a reason I decided not to be an African-American Studies major. It's tiring to hear all the time: yes in this country... you TOTALLY have the short-end of the stick and now let's talk about that for several semesters. And then you re/member/realize that... I will never be able to forget/breathe/live/swim....I'm spent. And people pretending like things aren't messed or that they don't have the power to help change it is all kinds of... to quote a badass gone to soon "What kind of fuckery is this." -Amy Winehouse.  Maybe people do that as a coping mechanism... but that's not right because.... (cue coping mechanism...)

One of the things I DID LIKE this month (at first) was this viral tag on Facebook that said

Neat huh?! (Who says "neat, huh?" anymore?) Well, I was all #teamnochill and decided to upgrade what was a one-off challenge and turned it into a month long challenge because I'm late with the spring fitness regime (yes, I know it's June and technically summer) and my bicep/tricep game is non-existent. Like the Cavaliers offense. Oh snap! (I think I chose the right team to throw that reference too. Right? I'm on trend? We say "On trend" now in sports right?)

And then all my friends did this

...should I take this a bit of underhand shade a la Dowager, Countess Grantham? 

But I shall chronicle: Please read this as if you were Tom Hanks in Castaway

Day 1: July 22nd (technically I should have started this challenge on July 12th. Don't sue me.)
  • Post rehearsal/tech re-staging. Rehearsal = fun. Outdoor rehearsal = fun (but sweaty)
  • Showered. Past midnight. I am remembering challenge to day later.
  • Youtube. Because duh.
  • Why youtube no streaming like good youtube should?
  • 5 mins. 10 minutes. 15 minutes. Still waiting for Youtube. I love you.
  • Are we on a "break."
  • Fine youtube. I will do push-ups. 
  • 42 "Push-Ups" in (Doing "modified" push-ups.)
  • 47 push-ups. CRAMP IN RIGHT TRICEP. It's working. Wait... why left tricep no return favor? I think I'm doing them wrong.
  • Why did I stop to breathe!? Now harder to restart. Life Lesson. Push-up challenge already working to better my personhood. I congratulate myself internally. I shame myself internally for being conceited.
  • 62 Push-ups. Challenge completed
  • I make blog post to make people laugh and to teach and to inspire. I fulfill my personal mission statement for day. 
  • I am woman. Roar.