Chris Brown

What Creative Types (Should) Do At Night by *nickels*

I find myself sitting through a bout of insomnia and arriving officially at the morning and realizing I have spent the entire night watching inspirational videos from people I admire. People like Ellen Degeneres, Oprah Winfrey and yes, Chelsea Handler. But, I also spent a LOT of time watching choreography videos on youtube. Granted, I doubt I'll ever dance behind to Beyonce on stage in a corps of female dancers (although... hey girl, I'm from H-Town, let's meet up!) But I still LOVE to dance. I really do! Something about music and movement coming together freesIt's amazing to see these people craft work for themselves that has the ability to transform someone's mood and inspire them. It's exciting and rather humbling to know that perhaps one day I can do that for another.

Of course, perhaps I should have spent the evening.... morning... twilight... whatever, writing or doing something more produc... active, I think it jumpstarted my day... or my all-nighter... whatever, you know what I mean. And since I'm prone to sharing these golden nuggets, here's a video I found particularly enjoyable. The dancers seem so happy, so talented, AND the editing for the clip was amazing. Looks like something gooberish that I would do. I'm gonna still something from it. I also need to take more editing classes or shadow more projects.

Goober or EazeWaySays

PS. These video is still a reminder that I need to go out and purchase... have a friend gift me Rosetta Stone : The French Edition.

Guillaume Lorentz - Beautiful People (Chris Brown) Exclusively Fun Time