It's Routine / by *nickels*

I enjoyed the work we did today. I feel like we are getting a lot accomplished. In part, hopefully because we are getting better. In part, because there are fewer people. There is much to be gained all around. I look forward to having the session on agents because I know I will gain a lot from it.

Here are a few things I took from our most recent class:
  • Cops appear in everything, especially dramas. If you can play a cop well, you can pay your rent. 
  • When playing a cop, or any job really, don't be stereotypical. It's routine.
  • As a reminder: Don't play the end of the scene.
  • No folded arms
  • Keep it simple.
  • Know what you can do. When you meet an agent, let them know you have a skill. (IE. I can play a cop really well)
  • Accessories are you bread an butter. You can transform from high class to blue collar in a split second if you have them.
From watching other people, here is what I gained
  • Be careful of too much exhalation of breath.
  • Nonverbal, unplanned moments get you cast!
  • Know the angles of your shot
  • YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT THEY ARE LOOKING FOR. Make a good choice. If they don't need you then, they may need you later.