Getting Behind the Camera / by *nickels*

If I'm really honest with myself, I would have probably double majored in my college's Film Department equivalent if I'd had clarity of focus, or the guts, or some other ephemeral combinations of traits. But I chose something else, a major that I did really enjoy pursuing and has grounded me in a certain worldview about life.

That being said, I have grown more passionate about my desire to create my own stories, own roles, and own tangible bits of art with each year that I grow older. I have always been really excited to be on set, whether for theater or for a camera. I have even made small forays into making mini films casting my family members into certain roles over the years and hit record, and edited later.

But I've decided, while I still have the resources available to me, I am going to try to get some behind the camera experience and see what, if anything, I like about the roles out there. And I start this weekend. It's probably one of the dumbest things I've ever done, but rather than wasting time just chillin' and sleeping during the free time I have over Spring Break, I might as well get some nifty experiences out of it. I'll chronicle my stories here, since in a way, it is related, and see what there is to be gained from it.