Why's That Camera In My Face! / by *nickels*

I was beyond nervous about our first film experience. Issues aside about what I think about what I look like but.... it's been so long since I've done contemporary monologues for an audition. AHH. If I think about how Olympic athletes train, it makes me wonder about my own approach to my craft. But... moving on! I was nervous and I felt so guilty that I didn't have a brand new piece. Oddly enough, because I don't do it often and I've gotten so many notes on it before, I was a little uncomfortable.

It was really amazing to see my peers work! I really am going to miss seeing them grow and having this constant group of talented artists to look forward to. I like being reminded of important things that actors need to always keep in their toolkit. Character work. Ease. Honesty. Moment-to-moment. 

And then I went up and I was like... 'fuck it.' I once had a teacher tell me that in auditions, you have to take it simply and slowly. Not at a snail's pace, but let each moment happen. There's a reason that a character keeps talking and as actors, we need to let ourselves notice. What was oddly wonderful about performing my pieces, was that it was a little different both times and I was able to discover new things. I'm looking forward to seeing my footage and the feedback. (I say that now). 

Tech things I noticed.

  1. Know your frame
  2. I have fairly dark brown skin. I know this is amusing, but comparatively, from the still I saw, I am as brown as they come. It just surprises me because I know darker skinned people and still, I look BROWN ON CAMERA. 
  3. Green background is sympathetic
  4. Use the class to figure out what make up and hair things work for me. Sometimes I think my mane is wild... EVERYONE ELSE loves it. 
As I side note... a couple of great quotes from class. 

"I can't do more than that. I only have one level."  - Isn't that so true! It's like another way to say, I am what I am. 

"Barney says it's ok, it just means it's going to a different place." -LOL.

"Doesnt matter if you sit or stand." -TheBoss

"All about your eyes." -TheBoss