In The Beginning... / by *nickels*

Upon entering the class I was rather anxious. Although I looked forward to reuniting with my classmates, I was nervous at what our Camera Class Teacher, Sally, would have to say about me. In this industry, and particular in the experiences I have had training as an actor, I always feel like ... I AM the short end of the stick. But, amid Sally's truthfulness, passion, and intelligence, especially as a person with an artistic soul working in an industry that I truly do want to be a part of... successfully... very successfully, my wall's came crumbling down. I was reminded of how diverse a group of peers I have and how we have all managed to become this wonderfully spicy group of personas. I was reminded of how much I want to be in control of my work and have the power to make work with the introduction of a wonderful new nugget to the mix. And I was reminded of how much I desire to learn about making and portraying stories on film and on stage. But I was also reminded that time is passing and that I am aging. 

As we approach the coming days in this class, I can't deny that those fears will continue to emerge. Will I be revealed for a phony? Will I be the ill-fated stage actor who can't transition to film? Or will I fail to grow? So many questions. And the larger looming one is, is the camera actually made for someone who looks like me. Hollywood... the media.. the power's that be, make no denial about what they find attractive and I know, in spite of all the self-empowerment tactics I may use or the constant reminders from my family that I am 'actually the pretty one, I'm also not white, not thin, have wavy hair, or am a size two. They say there's room for everyone. But does the camera really pick up the whole room, or just a piece of it?

Eaze Way.