word of the day

The Ease of Persistence by *nickels*

Persistence. Persistence, much like patience, is a virtue that is known well but not (always) well attended. And it makes sense if you think about it. It's not the most exciting one, to persist. Persisting sounds like effort, to push against something, something hard, dangerous, crude, unyielding. But recently, dawned on me that persistence doesn't have to be heavy-handed. It doesn't have to be hard. It can simply be ...to continue. Just continue. As in, wake up, do, sleep, repeat. Just continue. You don't have to push against anything or anyone. You just have to continue. Continue to be. Continue to do. Persist. And so, I will. *
#persist #persistence #continue #wordoftheday #blogger #newblog #justdoit #virtue #nigerianblogger #goals