uncle ruckus

Marriage Equality - The Irrelavance/Irony of Uncle Clarence Thomas Ruckus by *nickels*

Clarence Thomas embraces slavery in opposition to marriage equality and I'm immediately reminded of Uncle Ruckus from The Boondocks. Although in Thomas's defense.... Uncle Ruckus would have never taken the job of Supreme Court Justice in the first place.

Ruckus (L), Thomas (R). Wait, Thomas (L), Ruckus (R). Wait....

Also, Clarence Thomas.... you don't understand the definition. Let me help you out.

DIGNITY: the state of quality of being worthy of honor or respect.

Uncle Ruckus Thomas, do you remember the 3/5 compromise? You know, the law that states that slaves are LESS THAN A WHOLE HUMAN? Slaves, prisoners in interment camps, those denied benefits my hold themselves with dignity but to given that by the state as a right is a completely different issue. You leaped from punchline to becoming completely irrelevant (for now anyway).

For those who need help with Thomas' dignified slavery times, here's a (satirical) clip. Picture, America, Slavery, 1825....

The Joys of Slavery In America