Artists Code / by *nickels*

So here we are. I'm learning how to code. A combination of things that lead me to this point:

  1. I want to be able to make this (late into my life without the need of others) and make money from these things
  2. I like learning new things especially language
  3. I'm a nerd/smart and creative and coding that let's you do both 
  4. Ego? Curiousity? Just 'cause to keep my brain sharp.
Step 1: "Summer school" which is me teaching myself a bunch of stuff
Step 2: Bootcamp
Step 3: Get a Job doing it

This sounds so foolish it might almost work.

PS. Things that are happenings 
  1. I get really excited when something clicks
  2. I re-read a lot. You know when you've read a page and you've forgotten what you've read OR... when you're eyes cross over and you tell yourself "wait a minute... what?" That's happening... a lot. 
How humbling it all is.