Self-Generated Work / by *nickels*

I'm nervous and excited to begin working as a professional actress. It all started with this itty bitty dream, and now it may become a reality.

As I get older, I am also continuing to think about how careers are made and specifically about the idea of longevity. How do you make it happen? What have people done? I often revisit the people I look up to an reflect on their careers. I also think about everything I've learned about successful artists. And one think that is true is that they end up having a hand in the projects they do. They create their own opportunities and drive down avenues they've built. And I want to do the same.

If works begets work, and I create work for myself... hopefully it means I'll be working for a long time!

I am developing a webseries! The screenplay is in revisions. First I had to figure out how screenplay formatting is different from play writing and other narrative forms! Gotta love Microsoft Word and their templates. I also have to thank a new friend of mine because he never lets a day slip without asking me have I written something, have I developed something, have I sent an email.

I have cast my co-star, an undergrad friend of mine and he's going to play my brother! I have a camera person who's volunteered equipment. And now I'm looking to add a few people on to help with direction, shooting and editing. Hopefully I can get something out before the end of June. Here goes nothing!