Discovery / by *nickels*

I loved having our visitor. He is a great teacher and he has an element of honest and realness that is so helpful to me. Honestly, I think it's just tied to where I am in my career as an actor, as a student. The more I embrace who I am, the more I work. So the more I get to know myself, the more I'll work. It's surprising, but I can see to contemporary actors who I love, the most honest, or gritty... work more. For example, Chandra Wilson on Grey's Anatomy.

I always say, if I have a career that last 10 years on tv, I'd be happy. But I wouldn't scoff at Viola Davis's career either. Although I'm nervous about how I'll progress, I'm also excited to embrace every opportunity thrown my way. :D

-Namaste  (lol i sound like a hippie)