What Am I Doing In There?! / by *nickels*

UGHHHHHHHHHHH! What am I doing in there?! Moment over.

I'm trying to find a way to not be down on myself about how well I'm doing in the camera class because I don't think I am doing very well at all. What the heck am I learning? Why isn't it sticking!? It often makes me think I should just be a stage actress.... but it's hard to support yourself that way. Maybe the more I do it you get better. Which is scary because it took me a while to feel confident on stage as an actress. I feel like I am in a holding pattern. Or I've plateaued. Or I've peaked.

At the very least, it was therapeutic to laugh from the amazingness and/or ridiculousness of my peers.

So... I guess I should frame my frustration with the language of... "here's a lesson I learned" and not.. "this is why I suck."

  • Actors need to have another life and other hobbies. Do the real thing because sometimes you will be cast because of your skill in another hobby
  • Don't wear baggy clothes. 
  • Do my hair from now on
  • My colors are not hunter green or any drab colors.. at least not for film auditions
  • Do look forward 
  • Avoid overuse of profile
  • Speak louder
  • Don't let someone leave the room
  • Do all of your homework and if you can't remember what it is, have a questionnaire so you can check off all the things you are doing
  • Know the arc of the story. (Beginning, Middle, End)
  • When you have a day-player role.. just do the thing.
  • Find a way to touch your scene partner... or almost touch
  • Do something fun after auditions/filming
  • Subtext
  • Subtext
  • Subtext