From Improv to Action / by *nickels*

I think I'm starting to get the hang of it. When we got our first piece of copy, I must admit, I was thinking "I don't have enough time to learn all these lines!" But lo and behold, I was able to get them into my brain. It's a bit like cramming for an exam in high school. It will stick just enough for an hour or so which is all you really need in an audition like this.

After that, I began to have the feeling of being trapped in just learning the lines and sticking to that. So I reminded myself that I need to know the overall story/arc and to know 5 major points/things that need to happen. It felt more like the improv in a sense. I started to focus on where the shifts were and what I needed to get across.

Then, I remembered that I was talking to two people and I had to keep staging in mind all the while thinking about my point-of-view of both characters within the arc of the story and I was able to stage a simple scene.

It's kind of bizarre what elements started to come to me naturally. I guess things really are starting to stick in my head and that I'm learning something which is very exciting. At least learning enough not to be completely ignorant of what information you need when you are acting for the camera. The realization of such is exciting. I'm starting to believe that perhaps I do have my colors to myself and I can be funny. I had a good time working with the camera. Remembering that I don't need to do to much but just be in the circumstances with a clear understanding of my point of view is pretty simple.

  • To Work On:  Without seeing the footage, I think I need to work most on pulling out the crux/climax for my character in the scene and really let that be the thing that pops. If there is every a place of "doing" something or really pushing one point, it's that moment in the script that I can allow to ground myself.
  • Excited By:  Getting more practice working on commercial and film auditions. 
  • Want From The Class: I want practice with getting an actual agent. I don't know if it includes a mock meeting, or mock auditions, or discussion of what happens, but I'd like it. Maybe we could get someone to come in and talk to us about getting an agent?